Wasp collecting tree fiber from pallet collar to build wasp’s nest. They use the saliva to melt the tree fiber and you can see how many tracks there are in the picture.
Picture of the month – May 2013
Picture of the month – April 2013
Picture of the month – April
I found this butterfly absorbing the heat from the sun. It is spring and more insects are slowly getting more active towards summer.
I like the contrast between the dead grass and the colorish butterfly.
Picture of the month – March 2013
Picture of the month – March 2013
Caught a fox on camera in Sweden while driving. I was in the passenger seat while the car was on the way and we saw the fox running in the snow. We drove slow and rolled down the carwindow and the fox was not intrested in us at all and just ran 100 meters or so and then turned right and disappeared into the forest .
Happy New Year !
Happy New Year !
I hope the new year will be great with alot of new photos in 2013!
Picture of the month – October
Because I forgot to upload “picture of the month – September” I will add two pictures from October 2012. The first picture is morning dew in the cold early morning, there are some leaves in the background
The second picture is a leaf, a Maple Leaf.
Picture of the month – July.
Picture taken on a Banded Demoiselle (Calopteryx Splendens) near a river. There were alot of dragonflies flying around and this was the best picture I tok. The wheater was hot and sunny and you had to walk trough high grass to get here. Next to my there were fields of crops.
Right proportion
When you save a photo save it as “save for the web”, there you can save it in the right proportion. You just have to click “keep proportion” and then add hight and width in pixels.
Do you see the difference? The first photo above has the wrong proportion.
Rename all pictures at the same time!
This is an easy way to rename pictures at the same time. It saves you a lot of time. If you, for example, want to call all your pictures “Christmas 2011”, do the following:
Step 1. Select the photos you want to rename.
Step 2. Click with the right mouse botton on the first picture when you have selected all the pictures you want to rename.
Step 3. Write “Christmas 2011” or whatever you want to call your pictures.
Step 4. Click “Enter”.
Now you can see that every picture has “Christmas 2011 (1).jpg”, “Christmas 2011 (2).jpg”, “Christmas 2011 (3).jpg” etc on it.
Easy, right?